The National Malloc Association

When in the course of human events, tyranny rears its head, good men and women must stand against it. Indeed, such is the story of all of history's greatest triumphs. From Thermopylae to Normandy, freedom has only ever been defended at great cost by those willing to stand against tyranny. Now, a new tyranny comes for our God-given rights.

We speak, of course, of this malloc-grabbing White House's recent declaration that "Future Software Should Be Memory Safe".

It seems the memory-controlling (mind-controlling?) elites have forgotten the words of our sage Founders who anticipated this precise issue centuries ago:

  1. malloc-rights Supporter and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary [memory] Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor [memory] Safety."
  2. Proponents of "memory-safe" language (or, as we call them, the languages of tyranny), complain constantly about the "footguns" of memory management. Well, we'll have you know footguns are 100% protected in this country by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

These elites don't want you to know that All Memory Is Managed, the only question is Who manages it. Is it you? Or someone else?

Do not let them take your freedom to malloc and free. The one who controls the memory, controls the program. Once you let THEM manage YOUR memory, THEY will manage your MIND.

Do not be garbage, collected by the SYSTEM. Join the Fight For Memory-Rights Today!